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Opening Game POSTPONED until June 3

Brandywine Polo Club
Brandywine Polo Club

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Dear POLO,

 ATTENTION:  The OPENING DAY MATCH has been postponed until Sunday, June 3 at 3:00 pm!   
GRASS PRACTICES BEFORE OPENING GAME - Since opening day is June 3, we will schedule grass practices at Walker Field during the week of May 29 - June 1. Stay tuned for details on dates and times since they will be dictated by the weather!
OPENING DAY GAME - Again, if you are interested in playing in the 3:00 pm game on June 3 for opening day please send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and indicate your interest and how many chukkers you can play, etc. If you have already responded to this, we have you on the list, you would only need to write in again if you wish to change your original sign up!  The organizer of the opening game will then be in touch with you regarding specifics. Each team must supply an umpire horse.
Dixon, Michael, Nicholas, Lisa, Lory and Elizabeth (Charly soon!)
Thanks to Jim Graham for the photograph.
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Brandywine Polo Club, PO Box 568, Unionville, PA 19375
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