The Army Polo Association (APOLOA) Will Enforce the Rules
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The British Army Polo Association Attention All Polo Clubs
2018 Helmet Regulations
Since 1st January 2018 it is now a legal requirement for all clubs to ensure that players wear type approved helmets. The Army Polo Association (APOLOA) will enforce the rules and members are required to wear helmets that meet the minimum requirement.
From 01 January 2018, helmets must be type approved to the standard PAS015:2011 with CE mark (type approval must be performed by a UK headquartered Noted Body for Personal Protective Equipment), SNELL E2001, VG1 01.040 2014-12, or UTAC/CRITT 04/2015. Casablanca will be introducing a new helmet called the “NEU” which meets PAS015:2011 with a target launch date of 1st November 2017.
La Martina are also bringing out a new helmet (no name released) and testing procedures are to be conducted at the end of September. Please note, there is a new standard, BSEN1384:2017 which has just been published. Our policy is to follow the BHA helmet standards.
List of approved helmets 29.08.17
Manufacturer Model Standard
Charles Owen Palermo Polo PAS015:2011 and VG1 01.040-2014
Charles Owen Polo Edition PAS015:2011 and VG1 01.040-2014
Charles Owen Young Rider Polo PAS015:2011 and VG1 01.040-2014
Armis Armis PAS015:2011 and VG1 01.040-2014
GPA Speed Air/X2 UTAC/CRITT 04/2015
Instinct Polo TBC PAS015:2011
For further information please follow the links to the HPA website where you can find a number of retailers selling the accredited helmets and the October 2017 Polo Times article on the new regulation.
Founded in 1998, the British Army Polo Association (APOLOA) was created to govern polo in the Army, both in the UK and abroad.
The APOLOA’s mission is to encourage, support and organise polo throughout the Army at all levels, widen its membership and increase the opportunities to play the game in order to build and develop teamwork and leadership. APOLOA also seeks to support its novice, development and senior squads, forming teams up to eight goals. Regiments also form their own teams including the Royal Artillery, Royal Engineers, Infantry and the Honourable Artillery Company |
A flourishing and diverse military polo playing community, regularly training and entering teams into tournaments at many levels, and enhancing the British Army’s reputation at home and abroad.
APOLOA’s mission is to encourage, support and organise polo at all levels, widen its membership, and increase opportunities to play the game; in order to foster esprit de corps, increase fitness, and enhance morale within all parts of the British Army.
- Is open and inclusive to all ranks, all parts of the Army, all levels of expertise, and equally to women and men.
- Actively encourages individuals who show initiative in developing their own and others’ playing ability.
- Aligns overseas tours and sponsorship with Defence Diplomacy aims and objectives wherever possible.
- Respects the values and standards of the British Army, in particular courage, discipline, and integrity.
APOLOA MembershipMembership ensures that individuals can be picked for Army teams and receive up to £30 per chukka in match support. Other benefits include: Chukka hire support for internal matches at Tidworth Polo Club, course attendance on Army Polo Courses at cut price of £30, entry to the C&S Tournament to take advantage of pony hire support. To enquire further please contact us or to become a member, please click here to download and complete the 2016 Army Polo Membership Form. For all APOLOA playing members, please read the following Travel at Public Expense for Army Sport document regarding match and tournament travel. |