City Polo Low Brow Events
- Uploaded by Hebby Prior- Palmer
- Published in In My Opinion
- Hits: 32113
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After attending another trumped up excuse to drink like a glutonous dribbling guttersnipes instead of enjoying an elegant outdoor picnic watching real horsemanship on magnificently turned out and schooled polo ponies I can finally say I wont be back. These 3 aside so called promotional days are just a symptom of a modern day sickness permeating our social fabric not just with-in Australia but pretty much through out UK USA and parts of Europe.
Lack of moral fibre swamps the sidelines while true grit and discipline with nerves of iron gallop past unnoticed unfeted and as far as I could see irrelevant except for their usefulness to yet find another excuse to guzzle at pace with sickening efficiency along with the throng drowning in the grip of the grape at any chance found available anywhere and everytime.
A cocksure majority of young men and women dressed in poorly matched knockoffs struting the line that gives away much more information than the wearer would ever suspect was sadly all the eye could see.
Pretentious meals and menus clatter down atop nylon tablecloths by microfibre glad pantry boys stopping off on their way to Real Estate School. Cheap hire table settings filled with shrill swillers vomiting their glorious prefab opinions in the hope one will be heard but none and anyone are.
Bon Voyage City Polo.This is not polo. Its inner city detritus.