Weekend Schedule Press
- Parent Category: Polo Profiles
- Uploaded by Pedro Gutierrez
- Published in POLO CLUBS
- Hits: 3534
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Due to the rain yesterday, the fields are still too wet to play today. It would be dangerous for both horses and players.--
With the heat wave forecast for Saturday and Sunday, and after consulting with teams captains, we have decided to play Sunday 8am & 5:30 pm (with local teams to avoid the heat) and Monday 8 am to avoid water.
Sunday,July 21st
Round 3
Game 2
8 am - White Birch vs Reelay - Field TBA
5:30 - TBA vs TBA - Field 1 (Sunday Game)
Monday, July 22nd
Game 3
8 am - The Island House vs Postage Stamp Farm - Field TBA
Scene 1
. In case TIH wins & Reelay wins . We will have a 4 teams team with 2-1. Reelay, PSF, WB, Altaris.
Scene 2
. In case of PSF wins & Reelay wins, We will have 3 teams with 2-1. Reelay, WB, Altaris.
Scene 3
. In case of WB wins & Reelay wins, we will have 3 teams with 2-1. Reelay, PSF, Altaris.
Pedro Gutierrez
Polo Manager
Greenwich Polo Club
Office: 80 Field Point Road, 3rd Floor. Greenwich, CT 06830
Field: 1 Hurlingham Dr. Greenwich, CT 06831 (no mail, deliveries or shipping)
Mobile 561 389 2224
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