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Polo Rules
1. Size of Ground
- A full sized ground shall not exceed 300 yards in length by 2(X) yards in width, if unboarded; and 300 yards in length by 160 yards in width, if boarded.
- The goals shall not be less than 250 yards apart and each goal shall be 8 Yards wide.
- The goal posts shall be at least 10 feet high and light enough to break if collided with.
- The boards shall not exceed 11 inches in height.
- The safety zone should extend at least 10 yards beyond the sidelines or boards and at least 30 yards behind the back lines.
2. Size of Ball
The diameter of the ball shall be between 3 and 3.5 inches and its weight shall be within 4.25 to 4.75 ounces.
3. Qualifications of Players
- The number of players is limited to four a side.
- No player shall play with his left hand.
- No player may play under the influence of any illegal stimulant or drug.
Notes: No player shall play in any organized game in Pakistan unless:
- He is a bonafide member in good standing of a recognized club registered with the PPA.
- For PPA tournaments or matches, he has paid the annual capitation fee through his club.
- He has been listed in the current PPA handicap list or been allotted a provisional handicap from minus 2 to a maximum of 10 goals.
- As a visiting player from abroad he has applied for (through the host club) and been accorded associate membership by the Secretary PPA on payment of due fee.
4. Substitution
- A player may only play in one team in the same tournament. No exceptions will be allowed.
- Substitutes must be qualified to play in tournament and the team must remain qualified after the substitution has been made.
- A player may be substituted for another during a match only if the latter player is unable to continue through sickness, accident or duty. lf the substitute is of the same or lower handicap the score will not be altered. However, if he is of a higher handicap the score will be immediately altered to reflect the increased aggregate handicap of the side, irrespective of the chukker in which the substitution occurs.
- lf a person is late and the game is started with a substitute, the late player may replace the substitute after the first chukker, but not thereafter.
- Captains must obtain approval of the club secretary and inform the Umpires before making any substitution during the game.
- ln international matches the opposing Captain must be consulted before making a substitution.
5. Qualifications of Ponies
- Ponies of any height may be played.
- A pony must not be played for more than two full chukkers in a match, nor may these be consecutive chukkers.
6. Conditions of Play and Handicaps
- The duration of play is 28 minutes divided into 4 chukkers of 7 minutes each. An extra 30 seconds play will be provided in all chukkers except the last unless a tie. The Tournament Committee may reduce the time for each chukker or alter the number of chukkers for matches except that in case of the National Championship only the Executive Committee of the PPA may do so.
- Handicap Calculation. ln all matches played under handicap conditions the higher handicapped team shall concede to the lower handicapped team the difference in handicaps divided by 6 multiplied by number of chukkers of play. All fractions of a goal shall count as half-a-goal. Mistakes in handicaps or in computing goal allowance must be challenged before the match and no objection can be entertained afterwards.
Note: ln normal 4 chukker matches difference in team handicaps may be multiplied 2/3 to obtain the advantage to the lower handicapped team.
- Play Continuous. With the exception of said intervals, play shall be .continuous. No time shall be taken off for changing ponies during a chukker, except as legislated for in Field Rule 24.
- Game Stopped. The game may be stopped in two different ways:
- When the time during which the game stopped is not to be counted as part of the playing time of the chukker (i.e. where the clock is to be stopped). To indicate this to the Timekeeper the Umpire should blow one firm blast. This is used for all fouls, infringements or injuries. The ball is dead until the ball is thrown in or the Umpire says "Play" and the ball is hit or hit at.
- Where the time during which the game is stopped is to be counted as part of the playing time of the chukker (i.e. where the clock is not to be stopped). This occurs when the ball goes out of play, through the goal or over the boards, side or back lines (unless hit over the back line by a defender). As a rule the game will automatically stop but if it continues (e.g. if the ball is hit straight into play after crossing the back or side lines) the Umpire should blow two sharp blasts. This will tell the Timekeeper not to stop the clock.
Termination of Chukker
The first signal (of a bell, trumpet or any other device) shall be sounded after7 minutes of play. Thereafter, alll chukkers, except the last, shall terminate immediately that a goal is scored or a whistle blown or the ball goes out or hits the boards. In case the ball is still in play after 30 seconds, a second signal shall be sounded. The chukker will terminate at the first sound of the second (71/2 minutes) signal, wherever the ball may be, even if the Umpires fail to hear the signal. -
Penalty Exacted Next Chukker
lf a foul is given after the first note of the 7 minutes signal, the umpire's whistle terminates the chukker and the penalty shall be exacted at the beginning of the next chukker. -
Additional 20 Seconds
ln the event penalty being awarded within 20 seconds of the end of a match (regular or 30 seconds time in case of a tie) the Timekeeper shall allow 20 seconds play from the time the ball is hit', or hit at, in carrying out the penalty, before he sounds the first or second signal, as the case may be. If a goal is scored after the ball has been put into play, the signal shall be if the original time (7 or 71/2 minutes) has expired. Otherwise the match shall term at the end of the additional 20 seconds. -
Last Chukker
The last chukker shall terminate although the ball is still in play at the first stroke of the 7 minutes signal, where the ball may be, except in the case of a tie and a result is required. -
Prolongation in Case of Tie
ln the case tie the last chukker shall be prolonged till a goal is scored or the ball goes out of play or hits the boards or till the 30 seconds signal is sounded. lf still a tie, the game shall be started, after an interval of 5 minutes, with widened goals. -
Widened Goals
Width of goals to be doubled to 16 yards by moving posts 4 yards outwards. After a 5 minutes-interval ends shall be changed and the ball thrown in from the centre. Play shall be continued in chukkers of the usual duration, with the usual intervals, until one side obtains a goal, which shall determine the match. -
Unfinished Match
Once a match has started it shall be played to a finish unless stopped by the Umpires for some unavoidable cause, which prevents a finish the same day, such as darkness or the weather. ln such a case it shall be resumed at the point at which it had stopped, as to score, chukker and position of the ball, at the earliest convenient time, to be decided upon by the club secretary.
7. How Game is Won
The side that scores most goals wins the game.
8. Umpires, Referee and Goal Judges
- The rules shall be administered in a match by two umpires, who shall be mounted to enable them to keep close to the play, and a Referee who shall remain off the field in a central position. The decision of the Umpires shall be final, except where they disagree, in which case the decision of the Referee shall be final.
- ln case a Referee is not available and the Umpires disagree on a foul, they shall restart the game with a throw in.
- A Goal Judge shall be appointed for each goal. He shall give testimony to the Umpires, at the latter's request, in respect to goals or other points of the game near his goal, but the umpires shall make all decisions.
- lf the two umpires disagree as to whether a goal has been scored, having consulted the Goal Judge, they must give the benefit of the doubt to the defending team, without consulting the Referee'
- No player shall appeal in any manner to the umpires for fouls. Nor may he discuss or dispute a decision during the game, except that the Captain has the sole right to ask for clarification on a decision from the umpires.
- The Referee and Umpires must discuss the conduct of the game at half – time.
- An Umpire may not supervise two consecutive games without a break of at least one hour.
- The authority of the above officials shall extend from the time the match is due to start until the end of the game. All questions arising at other times may be referred by the Captains to the club secretary who, if necessary', shall refer them to the relevant committee'
9. Timekeeper and Scorer
An official Timekeeper and Scorer shall be appointed in all matches.
10. Medical and Veterinary Cover
At all organized polo games there will be a qualified doctor and/ or para-medic and a veterinary surgeon either present or on immediate call. An ambulance is also required.
11. Executive Committee
Each club shall have an executive committee to organize and control the game in accordance with the rules. The committee shall be responsible for the following:
- Upkeep of grounds.
- Time and venue of matches.
- Nomination of officials, including Umpires, Referee, Goal, Judges, Timekeeper and Scorer.
- Administrative requirements like medical and veterinary cover, commentator, sponsorships, media coverage, seating, prizes, refreshments etc.
- All matters of discipline on or off the ground. These may be referred to it by the officials or taken up by the committee of its own motion.
- Any other dispute or reference brought to it by a club member or visiting player.
- Appeals against decisions of the club executive committee may be made within 28 days to the PPA, clearly citing the ground(s) of appeal.
- It may be emphasized that no appeals are permitted against the appointment of any official or the time and venue of a match.
- Arrange for regular meetings of its members to clarify the rules and improve the standard of umpiring.
- At end of each season, forward revised club handicap list and Umpire grades to the PPA.
Note: For routine matters the club secretary would normally act on behalf of the commit.
12. Tournament Committee
This shall be appointed by the club organizing a tournament. It shall consist of the club president and secretary, captains of participating teams and (for PPA tournaments) Secretary PPA. The committee shall be responsible for the following:
- Draw for the tournament in accordance with the rules.
- Any objections against teams, players or a substitute, handicap and ponies.
- Any disputes regarding goal averages or other procedural matters of the tournament.
1. Definition of Foul
Any infringement of the Field Rules constitutes a foull and the Umpire may stop the game.
2. Dead Ball
The Umpire shall carry a whistle, which he shall blow when he wishes to stop the game. When he does so the ball is dead until he says "Play ''or throws the ball in. The time it is dead is not counted in the playing time of the chukker, except as legislated for in General Rule 6 d.
- lf a whistle is blown for a foul at approximately the same time as a goal is scored:
- The goal will be disallowed if the foul was committed by the attacking side and the foul is confirmed.
- The goal will be allowed if the foul was committed by the attacking side and the foul is over-ruled; or if the foul was against the defending side whether or not the foul is confirmed.
- lf the whistle is blown for a foul at approximately the same time as the ball is hit behind the back line and the foul is over-ruled, the ball shall be hit in or a Penalty 6 taken.
3. Disqualified Ponies
- A pony blind of an eye may not be played, nor a pony showing vice or not under proper control.
- A lame Pony or with blood in its mouth or showing distress may also not be allowed in the game. (Also see General Rule 5b.)
4. Equipment for Ponies
- Protection of Ponies by boots or bandages on all four legs is compulsory.
- Blinkers are not allowed, nor any form of noseband which obstructs the vision. Nosebands and head collars may not incorporate wire or other sharp material.
- Rimmed shoes are allowed, but the rim only be on the inside of the shoe.
- The size of a calkin or stud must not be than a half inch cube. Any shoe or part of it, including nails, must be fitted in such a way that no protruding or sharp edges are left which might endanger other ponies. A removable stud is recommended.
- Hackamores or bitless bridles will not be used in any matches.
- The mouthpiece of any bit, whether single or double, should not be less than a quarter inch (6.335mm in diameter at its narrowest point.
- Only polo saddles may be used in matches or practice chukkers.
- Umpires ponies must be equipped as for polo except that their tails need not be put up.
5. Equipment for Players
- Sharp spurs are not allowed. Spurs likely to wound a horse are forbidden. Spurs, including any rowel, must be blunt, with the shank pointing only towards the rear. The shank must be no more than 1.2 inches (3 cm) long including any rowel. lf the shank is curved or angled the spurs must be worn with the shank directed downwards.
- No player may wear buckles or studs on the upper part of his polo boots or knee pads in such a way as could damage another player's boots or breeches.
- Whips must not be more than 48 inches long including any tag
- No one shall be allowed to play or umpire unless he wears a protective polo helmet which must be worn with a chin strap.
- Shirt numbers must not be less than 12 inches in height and 2 inches in width and in a contrasting colour from the shirt.
- lf in the opinion of the club secretary or Umpires the colours of two competing team are so alike as to lead to confusion, the team lower in the draw, or second name in a league tournament, shall play in some other colours.
6. Safety Zone
- No person is allowed on the ground during play for any purposwhatever except the players and the Umpires. A player requiring a tick, pony or other assistance from an outside person must ride to the boards, side or back lines to procure it. No person may come on to the ground to assist him.
- No person or pony is allowed within the safety zone during the gameexcept players, Umpires, Referee, Goal Judges and stick holders.
7. Start of Game
- At the beginning of the game teams shall line up in the idle of the ground, each on its own side of the centre line. The Umpire shall bowl the ball underhand and hard between opposing ranks of players, from a distance of not less than five yards, the players remaining stationary until the ball has left his hand.
- Umpires should start the game with at least a Penalty 5b, lf a player strikes a pony on the ground after the Umpires have ridden on to the field and before the ball is in play.
8. How Goal is Scored
A goat is scored when the ball passes between the goal posts over and clear of the goal line.. lf the bail is hit above the top of the goal posts, but in the opinion of the Umpires between those posts produced, it shall count as a goal.
9. Changing of Ends
- Ends shall be changed after every goal except where a goal is awarded a under Penalty 1. Ends shall also be changed if no goals have been hit by half – time (in a seven or five chukker match, after the fourth or third chukkr respectively) and play shall be restarted at a position corresponding to the change of ends. After a goal has been hit, the game shall be restarted from the centre of the ground as prescribed by Field Rule 7.
- The players shall be allowed a reasonable time at a slow canter to take up their positions. No team should be disadvantaged by delaying tactics of the opposition. lf this should happen then the whistle should be blown and the clock restarted when the ball is put into play.
- lf the Umpire inadvertently permits lining up the wrong way the responsibility rests with him and there is no redress. But if at the end of the chukker no goal has been scored the ends shall then be changed.
10. Attackers Hit Behind
- The ball must go over and clear of the back line to be out.
- When the ball is hit behind the back line by the attacking side, it shall be hit in by the defenders from the spot where it crossed the line, but at least four yards from the goal posts or boards, when the Umpire calls” Play “. None of the attacking side shall be within 30 yards of the back line until the ball is hit or hit at. The defenders are free to place themselves where they choose.
- The defenders shall give the attacking side reasonable time to get into position, but there shall be no unnecessary delay in hitting in. If this happens the Umpire shall call on the defending side to hit in at once. In case the Umpire's request is not complied with, he shall impose Penalty 7d.
11. Defenders Hit Behind
lf the ball is hit behind the back line by one of the defending side, either directly or after glancing off his own pony, or after glancing off the side boards, Penalty 6 shall be exacted. lf the ball strikes any other player Or his pony before going behind, it shall be hit in under Field Rule 10.
12. Ball Hit Out
- The ball must go over and clear of the side lines or boards to be out.
- When the ball is hit over the boards or side line, it must be bowled, underhand and hard' by the Umpire into the ground from a point just inside the boards or line where it went out, on an imaginary line parallel to the two goal lines, and between the opposing ranks of players, each team being on its own side of the imaginary line. No player may stand within five yards of the Umpire. Players must remain stationary until the ball has left the Umpire's hand. A reasonable time must be allowed for players to line up.
13. Restarting When Ball was Not Out
lf for any reason the game has to be stopped without the ball going out of play, it shall be restarted in the following manner. The Umpire shall stand at the spot where the ball was when the incident occurred, and facing the nearer side of the ground, but not nearer the boards or side line than 20 yards. Both teams shall take up positions on their own side of an imaginary line, parallel to the goal lines and extending through the Umpire to the side line. No player may stand within five yards of the Umpire. The Umpire shall bowl the ball underhand and hard, between the opposing ranks of players, towards the nearer side of the ground. The players must remain stationary untill the ball has left his hand.
14. Restarting after lnterval
On play being resumed after an interval, the ball shall be put in play in the normal manner which would have been followed, had there been no interval, i.e., in accordance with Field Rules 9, 10, 12 or 13, as the case may be. lf the ball hits the side boards with out going over them at the end of the previous chukker, it shall be treated as though it had been hit over them as laid down in Field Rule 12. The umpire must not wait for players who are late.
Note: General Rule 6 f deals with resuming play when a chukker ends with a foul.
15. Damaged Ball
- lf the ball is damaged or trodden into the ground, the Umpire shall, at his discretion, stop the game and restart it with a new ball, in the manner prescribed in Field Rule 13. It is desirable that the game shall be stopped and the ball changed when the damaged ball is in such a position that neither side is thereby.
- ln case the ball splits when struck at the goal, the Umpires shall decide whether the larger part had gone through or not. Accordingly a goal may be awarded, the penalty retaken or the ball thrown in.
16. Carrying the Ball
- A player may not catch, kick or hit the ball with anything but his stick. He may block with any part of his body but not with an open hand. He may not carry the ball intentionally. If the ball becomes lodged against a player, his pony or its equipment, in such a way that it cannot be dropped immediately, the Umpire shall blow his whistle and restart the game in accordance with Field Rule 13 at the point where it was first carried.
Ball Strikes Umpire's pony
For fair play, in case the player with the Right of Way Loses it after the ball strikes an Umpire or his pony, a similar throw in shall be made to restart the game.
17. Right of Way and Crossing
The Right of Way
- At each moment of the game there shall exist a Right of Way, which shall be considered to extend ahead of the player entitled to it and in the direction in which he is riding.
- No player shall enter or cross this Right of Way except at such a distance that not the slightest risk of a collision or danger to either player is involved.
- The Right of Way, which is defined in paras c and d below, is not to be confused with the line of the ball and does not depend on who last hit it.
The Line of the Ball
- The line of the ball is the line of its course or that line produced at any moment.
- lf the line of the ball changes unexpectedly, for example when A ball glances off a pony, and as a result the Right of way changes, the player who had the Right Way must be given room to continue a short distance on his original Right of Way. However, he must attempt no play while clearing out'
- When a dead ball has been put into play through being hit at and missed, the line of the ball is considered to be the direction in which the player was riding when he hit at it.
- lf the ball becomes .stationary while remaining in play, the line of the ball is that line upon which it was traveling before stopping.
Player Riding in Direction Ball is Traveling
- A player following the ball on its exact line and attacking it on his off side is entitled to the Right of Way over all other players.
- Where no player is riding on the exact line of the ball, the Right of Way belongs to the player following it at the smallest angle, provided he does not contravene para f.
- Two players when following the exact line of the ball attempting to make a play on one another, share the Right of Way over ail other players.
- A player riding in the direction the bail is travelling and at an angle to its line, has the Right of Way over a player riding to meet the ball at an angle to its line, irrespective of the width of the angles provided he does not contravene para f.
- No player shall be deemed to have the Right of Way by reason of his being the last striker if he shall have deviated from pursuing the exact line of the ball.
- A foul should not be blown against a player who safely crosses the line of the ball in attempting to legitimately ride off the player with the Right of Way. Similarly a player with the Right of Way may move across the line to make a ride off, as long as he does not create a danger to any player already travelling with the ball on his near side. Riding into the stroke of a player is not a legitimate ride off (see Field Rule 18 g).
Player Meeting the Ball
- A player who rides to meet the ball on its exact line has the Right of Way over all players riding at an angle from any direction.
- As between players riding to meet the ball, that player has the Right of Way whose course is at the least angle to the line of ball.
Equal Angles
ln the rare case of two players riding in the general direction of the ball at exactly equal angles to it on opposite sides of its line, Right of Way belongs to that player who has the line of the ball on his off side. The same rule would apply to players meeting the ball at exactly equal angles from opposite sides of its line.
Player to Take Ball on Off Side
- The Right of Way entitles a player to the ball on the off side of his pony. If he places himself to hit it on the near side and thereby in any way endangers another player who would otherwise have been clear, he loses the Right of Way and must give way to this other player.
- When two players are riding from exactly opposite directions to hit the ball each shall take it on the off side of his pony. lf a collision appears probable the player who has the Right of Way must be given way to (Example 4).
- No player may check or pull up either on or across the Right of Way if by so doing he runs the slightest risk of collision with the player entitled to it.
- lf a player enters safely on the Right of Way and does not check, a player must not ride into him from behind, but must take the ball on the near side of his pony.
- lf a player with possession of the ball or right to the line of the ball on his off side, checks his speed to such an extent that an opposing player may enter the line and take the ball on his off side, without, in the opinion of the Umpires, creating any danger to the checking player (if that player were to maintain his reduced speed), then no foul shall be deemed to have occurred,, even if the checking player subsequently increases his speed.
Note: Umpires are advised that if the checking player slows to a walk or stops completely, under this rule, it is almost impossible for any danger to occur and therefore no foul is committed.
18. Dangerous Riding
A player may ride off an opponent but he may not, at any time, ride in a manner which is dangerous to a pony, player (including a team member) or official. Some examples
- Bumping at an angle dangerous to a player or his pony.
- Zigzagging in front of another player riding at a gallop, in such a way as to cause the latter to check his pace or risk a fall.
- Pulling across or over a pony’s legs in manner as to risk tripping either pony.
- Riding an opponent across the Right of way of another player.
- Riding at an opponent in such a manner as to intimidate and cause him to pull out, or miss his stroke, although no foul or cross actually occurs.
- Sandwiching. Two players of the same team riding off an opponent simultaneously.
- Deliberately riding one's mount into the stroke of another player.
- Continuing to ride off another player over the goal line, thereby endangering the Goal Judge.
19. Rough Handling
No player shall seize with the hand, strike or push with the head, hand, forearm or elbow. But a player may push with his arm, above the elbow, provided the elbow be kept close to the side.
20. Misuse of Stick
- No player may hook an opponent's stick, unless he is on the same side of the opponent's pony as the ball, or in a direct line behind and his stick is neither over nor under the body nor across the legs of an opponent's pony, nor may any player hook or strike at an opponent's stick unless all of the opponent's stick is below the opponent's shoulder level.
- The stick may not be hooked or struck unless the opponent is in the act of striking the ball.
- No player may reach immediately over and across or under and across any part of an opponent's pony to strike at the ball, nor may he. hit into or amongst the legs of an opponent's pony.
- No player may intentionally strike his pony with his Polo stick.
- No player may use his stick dangerously or hold it in such a way as to interfere with another player or his pony.
- Any player intentionally striking another pony or player shall, at the least, be excluded for rest of the game (Penalty 10).
- No player may knowingly strike the ball after the whistle. The umpire may increase the severity of the penalty if the hit is by a member of the fouling team or cancel the penalty, or decrease its severity, if the hit is by a member of the team fouled.
21. Use of Whip
Whips or spurs may not be used unnecessarily or excessively. Polo clubs & Umpires must ensure that, save for exceptional circumstances; whips are not used to strike ponies except on the ground when the ball is in play (also see Field Rule 7b).
22. Loss of Headgear
lf a player loses his headgear, the Umpire shall stop the game to enable him to recover it when the ball is in a neutral position.
23. Dismounted Player
No dismounted player may hit the ball or interfere in the game.
24. Accident or Injury
- lf a pony falls or goes lame, or if a player or pony be injured, or in the case of an accident to a pony's gear which, in the opinion of the Umpire, involves danger to a player or pony, the Umpire shall stop the game immediately.
- lf a pony falls, the Umpire should ensure that it is trotted up sound before the player re-mounts.
- lf a player falls off his pony, the Umpire shall not stop the game untill the ball is in a neutral position, unless he is of the opinion that the player is injured or is liable to be injured. What constitutes a fall is left to the decision of the umpire.
- lf a player be injured, a period not exceeding 15 minutes shall be allowed for his recovery. lf he is unfit to play after this period, the game shall be restarted with a substitute in place of the injured player, unless Penalty 8 has been exacted. lf, however, the injured player subsequently recovers he may replace the player who was substituted in his place, but the higher handicap will be counted in accordance with General Rule 4c.
- ln the event of a player being, or seeming to be, concussed, the Umpires, or in their absence the senior player on the ground, will stop the game and arrange for the injured player to see a doctor as soon as possible. He will not be permitted to play again for a minimum of one week without a certificate of fitness from the doctor.
25. Disablement
lf a player be disabled by a foul so that he is unable to continue, Umpire may decide that Penalty 8b be exacted, unless the side which has been fouled prefers the option of providing a substitute. Penalty 1,2 or 3 shalll be exacted in any case.
26. Taking penalties
Teeing Up
Making a tee is not allowed, but one player only may reposition the ball, provided he takes no longer than 10 seconds. -
Once the Umpire has called Play, the striker must immediately start to take the hit. The ball must be struck or struck at on the first approach without any circling. - ln all free hits the ball shall be in play the moment it has been either hit or hit at & missed.
27. Discipline
Vulgar language, disrespectful attitude towards other players, officials or spectators, or any other form of unsportsman like conduct shall not be permitted. Umpires must act firmly and consistently to penalise on unacceptable behaviour. Warnings should not be given.
28. Discretion of Umpires
Advantage Rule
lt shall be within the discretion of the Umpire not to stop the game for the purpose of inflicting a penalty, lf the stopping of the game and the infliction of the penalty would be a disadvantage to the fouled side. It should never be invoked for a dangerous or deliberate foul. - There are degrees of dangerous or unfair play which give the advantage to the side fouling. The penalty to be inflicted is left to the discretion of the Umpire.
- Should any incident or question not provided for in the Rules of Polo, or the Supplementary Rules, arise in a match, such incident or question shall be decided by the Umpires. If they disagree, the Referee decision shall be final.
1. Penalty1- Penalty Goal
- If, in the opinion of the Umpire, a player commits a dangerous or deliberate foul in the vicinity of goal in order to save a goal, the side fouled shall be allowed one goal.
- Ends shall not be changed and the game shall be restarted with a throw in at a spot 10 yards from the middle of the fouler’s goal. The Umpire should stand at the spot and keep players five yards away. (see Field Rule 13)
2. Penalty 2 - 30 Yard Hit
- A free hit at the ball from a spot 30 yards from the goal line of the side fouling, opposite the middle of the goal, or if preferred, from where the foul occurred (the choice to rest Captain of the side fouled), all the side fouling to be behind their back line until the ball is hit or hit at but not between the goal posts, nor when the ball is brought into play may any of the side ride out from between them, none of the side fouled to be nearer the goal line or back line than the ball is, at the moment it is hit or hit at.
- ln the event of the Captain of the side fouled electing to take the penalty from the spot where the foul occurred, the same restrictions shall apply: none of the defending side to be within 30 yards of the ball, neither stand between the goal posts nor come out through the goal.
- ln carrying out Penalty 2, if the hit would, in the opinion of the Umpire, have resulted in a goal, but is stopped by one of the side fouling coming out from between the goal posts, or crossing the back line before the ball was struck, such shot is to count as a goal to the side fouled. lf the player who stopped the ball did not infringe these rules,, but another member of his side did, the hit shall be retaken (Penalty 7 a).
3. Penalty 3 - 40 Yard Hit
- A free hit at the ball from a spot 40 yards from the goal line of the side fouling opposite the middle of the goal, all the side fouling to be behind their back line until the ball is hit or hit at, but not between the goal posts, nor when the ball is brought into play may any of the side ride out from between them, none of the side fouled to be nearer the goal line or back line than the ball is, at the moment it is hit or hit at.
- ln carrying out Penalty 3, if the hit would, in the opinion of the Umpire, have resulted in a goal, but is stopped by one of the side fouling coming out from between the goal posts, or crossing the back line before the ball was struck, such shot is to count as a goal to the side fouled. lf the player who stopped the ball did lot infringe these rules, but another member of his side did, the hit shall be retaken. (Penalty 7a).
4. Penalty 4 - 60 yard Hit
A free hit at the ball from a spot 60 yards, from the goal line of the side fouling opposite the middle of goal. The side fouling shall be behind the 30 yards line, the side fouled being free to place themselves where they choose.
5. Penalty 5a - Free Hit from the Sport
A free hit at the ball from where it was when the foul took place, but not rear the boards than four yards. None of the side fouling to be within 30 yards of the ball, the side fouled being free to place themselves where they choose.
6. Penalty 5b - Free Hit from the Centre
A free hit at the ball from the centre of the ground, non of the side fouling to be within 30 yards of the ball, the side fouled being free to place themselves where they choose.
7. Penalty 6 – 60 yards hit (Opposite where Ball Crossed)
A free hit at the ball from a sport 60 yards distant from the back line, opposite where the ball crossed it, but not nearer the boards than four yards. None of the side fouling to be within 30 yards of the ball, the side fouled being free to place themselves where they choose.
8. Penalty 7a - Another Hit
If the side fouling fall to carry out Penalty 2,3,4,5, or 6 correctly the side fouled shall be allowed another free hit at the ball,, unless a goal has been scored or awarded. lf both sides fail to carry out Penalty 2 or 3 correctly, another free hit must be taken by the side fouled, irrespective of the result of the previous free hit.
9. Penalty 7b - Hit in by Defenders
lf the side fouled fail to carry out Penalty 2 or 3 correctly, the defenders shall be allowed a hit in from the middle of their own goal line. None of the attacking side shall be within 30 yards of the back line until the ball is hit, or hit at, the defenders being free to place themselves where they choose.
10. Penalty 7c - Hit in from 30 Yard Line
During the hit in if the attacking side fail to keep the required distance, the defenders shall be allowed to hit in from the 30 yard line, from the spot opposite where the first hit was made or would have been made. None of the attackers shall be within 30 yards of the ball until it is hit or hit at; the defenders being free to place themselves where they choose. For infringement of Penalty 7 b or any further infringement of Penalty 7c by the attacking side, the defenders shall be allowed another hit in from the 30 yard line.
11. Penalty 7d - Unnecessary Delay
ln the event of unnecessary delay by the side fouled when called on by the Umpire to take a penalty hit, the Umpire shall restart the game with a throw in from the spot where the hit should have been taken. Similar delay by the side hitting in shall be penalized with a throw in at the spot where the ball crossed the back line and at right angles to it (see filed rule 13).
12. Penalty 8 - player to Retire
Designation by the Captain of the side fouled of the player on the side fouling whose handicap is nearest above that of the disabled player, who shall retire from the game. If the handicap of the disabled player is higher than that of any of his opponents the player whose handicap is nearest below that of the disabled player may be designated. This penalty does not apply to international matches.
13. Penalty 9a - pony Disqualified
For infringement of Field Rule 3, the pony shall be ordered off the ground by the umpire and disqualified from being played again during the match.
Note: The case of a pony blind of an eye must be reported by the Umpire in writing to the club conducting the tournament who shall inform the PPA to ensure that it shall not be played again anywhere in Pakistan.
14. Penalty 9b - Pony Ordered Off
For infringement of Field Rule 4, the pony shall be ordered off the ground by the Umpire and disqualified from playing again until the offence has been removed.
15. Penalty 9c – Player Ordered Off
For infringement of Field Rule 5 the player shall be ordered off the ground by the Umpire and disqualified from playing again until he has removed the offence.
General Note: In all cases of Penalty 9, play must be restarted immediately as prescribed in Field Rule 13, with a throw in, without waiting for the affected player.
16. Penalty 10- Player Excluded
The umpires may exclude a player from the game, in addition to any other penalty, in the case of a deliberate or dangerous foul, or conduct prejudice to the game. Alternatively, for a less serious offence, they may exclude a player for the rest of the chukker in progress. In all cases the umpires must agree or if not in agreement ask the referee to decide. The side to which the excluded player belongs shall continue with three players only or forfeit the match.
Note: Whenever penalty 10 is awarded, the Umpire must report the circumstances in writing to the club secretary.